Oakfield Curriculum
'To unlock the potential of every child'
We want all our children to be inspired and captivated by English. We want all our children to be provided with an English curriculum that develops speaking, listening, reading and writing. We want all our children to be excited by English and build the skills and knowledge that will enable them to communicate effectively and confidently.
We use 'Little Wandle' Letters and Sounds Revised as our systematic synthetic phonics programme. Alongside this, we use Big Cat books as our chosen reading scheme which is aligned to our phonics teaching.
During our reading lessons we concentrate on developing comprehension skills, fluency and prosody. We teach reading strategies with a focus on using prior knowledge to broaden and develop pupils’ use of vocabulary across a range of subjects. Pupils learn how to:
Teachers model and teach specific reading skills across the curriculum. Across the school, each classroom displays reading rainbow posters which include reading lenses. The lenses are used to support the explicit teaching and modelling of reading skills.
As a school we focus on developing fluency but also a love of reading. In all our classes adults read to the children throughout the day to develop a love of books. We have collated 100 books appropriate to different age groups. These books have been specially selected because they expose pupils to a variety of genres, authors and writing styles at an age appropriate level and hook them into reading.
At Oakfield we base our teaching of writing on 'The Write Stuff' approach, which has a focus on modelled writing and high level vocabulary. The Writing Rainbow is used in all writing lessons and the associated lenses help to provide consistency and progression throughout the school.