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Our Curriculum

Oakfield Curriculum 


'To unlock the potential of every child'


Curriculum Intent

At Oakfield Primary school we are passionate about delivering a broad and balanced curriculum. Our goal is to provide engaging, clear, and relevant lessons that stretch and inspire our children to reach their full potential. We immerse our children in progressive knowledge and skills to prepare them with personal characteristics to succeed in life. 


At Oakfield Primary our curriculum aims to: 


  • Provide a well-structured curriculum, which follows the National Curriculum  

  • Set high expectations for all learners 

  • Develop character- where children appreciate themselves and others as unique individuals 

  • Enable children to understand the world they live in  

  • Support children to become tolerant, respectful and safe citizens 



Curriculum Implementation

At Oakfield Primary School our curriculum is broken down into knowledge and skill strands. We want our children to develop substantive knowledge which they can apply to areas of their learning. We also place importance on disciplinary knowledge and understand the importance of children gaining knowledge of a particular subject as a discipline.

For our children to reach their full potential, we provide opportunities for our curriculum to build upon key concepts and these are taught progressively. The curriculum we follow has been designed predominantly as a spiral curriculum, where children return to key knowledge and skills throughout their time at Oakfield Primary School. The design of our curriculum utilises prior knowledge and opportunities are provided to build on previous foundations. Each time we revisit a skill, we increase the depth which is covered and as our children progress through our school they will revisit these domains with further complexity.


Please click on the links below to find out more about each curriculum area.
